Arteriovenous Fistula (AVF) Failure Mode
A biological response to hemodynamic and mechanical stress
Why VasQ
Promote Outward (Dilative) Remodeling

Retain Control Post-Surgery

Venous Tapering
Arterial Arch
Create More Usable Fistulas
In a recent randomized, controlled multi-center study3, more VasQ patients used their fistula for hemodialysis and could discontinue CVC use than patients treated without VasQ.
VasQ patients also had a lower incidence of stenosis or occlusion with consistent outward (dilative) remodelling leading to a greater mean diameter as compared to patients treated without VasQ.
The high AVF usability4 was associated with:

Building Consistent Clinical Success with VasQ
The VasQ Procedure
VasQTM creates a tapered juxta-anastomotic venous segment to promote a more laminar flow profile
Untapered Configuration at the Optimized Angle

Standard AVF configurations typically result in large areas of disturbed flow near the anastomosis. The result is a region of low wall shear stress that leads to the development of neointimal hyperplasia in response.
VasQ Tapered Configuration

The tapering reduces the area of disturbed flow that contacts the vessel wall and pushes it away from the anastomosis. VasQ creates a 50% tapered diametric growth to smoothly transition flow to the vain.
Henschtel and Bergner. A.A Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Approach to Optimize Arterial-Venous Autogenous Access (AVF) Anastomotic Hemodynamics With an External Support Device (VasQ™). SN 2018. PO-720
VasQ™ is intended to relieve excessive mechanical stress of the unsupported juxta-anastomotic vein segment
During AVF creation, a vein segment is removed from the surrounding connective tissue that provides natural external support and mobilized to be sutured to the artery.
- Increased cellular proliferation in the vessel wall1
- Reduced lumen area from intimal thickening1

Reintroduces structural support to the mobilized section of vein.
- Minimized cellular proliferation in the vessel wall1
- Increased lumen area 1

Create More Usable Fistulas
Consistent Outward Remodeling with Greater Mean Diameters in the Cannulation Zone (P = .03)
The majority of the VasQ patients experienced consistent venous dilation with each measuring >6 mm at the 6-month follow-up. For the control arm, a large proportion of patients experienced venous constriction to diameters <6 mm at the 6-month follow-up.
Calder F. An Implanted Blood Vessel Support Device for Arteriovenous Fistulas: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Am J Kidney Dis. 2020 Jan;75(1):45-53
Minimize Stenosis and Occlusions
Greater Freedom from ≥50% Stenosis or Occlusion with VasQTM External Support (P=.04)

A significantly lower incidence of stenosis or occlusion was observed for VasQ patients as compared to the control group.
Calder F. An Implanted Blood Vessel Support Device for Arteriovenous Fistulas: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Am J Kidney Dis. 2020 Jan;75(1):45-53
VasQTM Real-World Validation with Initial Use Test Series